2016 Central Novice Championship (hosted by McGill)
2016 Hart House IV (hosted by the University of Toronto)
2016 North American Universities Debate Championships (hosted by Carleton University)
2016 Chancellor’s Cup (hosted by Queen’s University)
2016 Huber Debates (hosted by the University of Vermont)
2016 Father Roger Guindon Cup (hosted by the University of Ottawa)
2016 Yale IV (hosted by Yale University)
2016 Mac Pro Am (hosted by McMaster University)
2016 BP Champs (hosted by UBC)
2016 Seagram’s IV (hosted by the University of Waterloo)
2017 North American Debate Championships (hosted by Middlebury College)
2017 Monkhouse IV (hosted by York University)
2017 Leger Cup (hosted by the University of Western Ontario)
2017 Lord Dorchester Debating Cup (hosted by Carleton University)
2017 North American Women’s and Gender Minorities Debate Championships (hosted by UBC)
2017 Central Novice Debating Championships (hosted by McGill)
2017 North American Universities Debating Championships (hosted by HWS)
2017 Hart House Intervarsity (hosted by University of Toronto)
2017 Chancellor’s Cup (hosted by Queen’s University)
2017 McGill High School British Parliamentary Championships (hosted by McGill University)
2017 Yale Intervarsity (hosted by Yale University)
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